CFC SG ANCOP Global Walk 2023

On 19th November 2023 a total of approximately 400 out of 697 registered CFC brethren participated and walk to support the most awaited event of the year in CFC, the ANCOP Global Walk 2023. This was done all over the world and in Singapore, CFC and it’s Family ministry gathered at one of the prestigious landmarks in Singapore, The Garden’s by the Bay, with a theme, Arise, Go and Walk.

The event was strategically planned to try lessen the event’s carbon footprint. The venue was chosen easily accessible via mass transportation to save fuel gas. The timing was set to 8AM so that taxi and public transport are already available. There were no new tshirt printed and let the participants reuse previous AGW t-shirts. No wastage of food and usage of disposable utensils since the timing of the event does not requires meal to the participants.

The meeting place is at Bayfront MRT. AGW participants started to arrived in groups. The service team gathered 25-30 pax to form a group.

The route has 5 pit stops namely A, R, I, S and E taken from this year’s AGW theme. A tasks needs to be fulfilled by each group at each pit stop, before proceeding to next pit stop.

Journey with me as we virtually join the event on each stops till the end of the walk.

Let’s go….

First pit stop: Pit Stop A. Location: SG50 Lattice

A stands for All as they do SPL (Selfie, Pray and Love), All Eyes on camera for the selfie, all spirit during group prayer and All love during the walk.

The second pit stop at Garden Pod is where stop R is.

R to raise hands who wants to support scholar, each group to do the AGW 2023 Wave Chant. The chant goes like this,

“Arise then 2 claps,
Go, 2 claps,
Walk, 2 claps then korean heart symbol”
Then, group raises their hands from left to right and then right to left followed by shouting together “ANCOP Global Walk Singapore 2023”. The wave signifies paying it forward and backward. Just like how we are blessed to be a blessing.

On our way to the 3rd pit stop….

Meanwhile at the Planet Garden the third stop letter I , stands for I love ANCOP. The group was tasked to form a heart without leaving anyone behind from the group behind. Love is for all, Love should be inclusive and not exclusive.

At this pit stop, it is better to do it in a group and make sure that no is left behind. Our task is to form a heart. This is the easiest pit stop so far. Let’s go the next pit stop.

Here comes the launching of Oikos at the next stop at the Active Garden. Pit Stop S for sustainability.

Everyone was given a foldable and handy eco bag and the group pledged. “I will carry this bag all the time and reduce usage of single use plastic”. Answering the Cry of the Earth is Answering the Cry Of the Poor.

Let us now go to our fifth and final pit stop. Yahoooo…

Last but not the least stop E at Bayfront Plaza. At this point, the AGW 2023 has ended.

A closing remarks by CFC National Council for AnCoP Bro. Rene de Jesus has been given to thank everyone for their generosity on giving/sharing their time, talent, and treasure. Afterwards, the tasks at this point is to be made by everyone as one community. Lead by the YFC, everyone have all together did the AGW Wave chant. Similar to any CFC gatherings, the event was closed with a short prayer of thanksgiving for a fun, safe, and enjoyable AGW Singapore 2023.

This is the end of ANCOP Global Walk 2023, but it is a start of a bright future for our ANCOP scholars through CFC members support.

Can’t get over it? For more of the ANCOP Global Walk 2023 photos please visit our official Couples For Christ Singapore Facebook Page, under album CFC SG ANCOP Global Walk 2023. You may also lookout for #LoveInEveryStep.