Church Relations

CFC INVOLVEMENT with Archdiocesan Commission for Families (ACF) SG

Since the introduction of the ACF back in Y2014, CFC had been invited to be one of the Family Partners. Some of our CFC leaders had the privilege to be a part of the core committee/ team together with other couple representatives from each of the family partners under ACF. And since then, we have actively supported, coordinated & participated in the various sub committees/groups, meetings, programs and events as follows:

  1. ACFD (Archdiocesan Catholic Family Dialogue)
  2. Online survey for proposed Archdiocesan Family Centre,
  4. Family Partners Events (FP’s Networking, Empowerment, Recruitment)
  5. Elderly, Grandparents and Singles Program
  6. Family Life Triduum Activities (St Teresa’s Church)
  7. Beauty of Marriage Project (by Catholic Family Life)
  8. Inter-Faith Marriages (Marriage Enrichment Committee Meeting)
  9. ACF Day of Recollection
    10.Family Partners Empowerment Event (“Building Families, Building Nation,Building Kingdom”)
  10. DSA Symposium (“What does the Catholic Church actually teach about Divorce, Separation and Annulment?”)
  11. CMJ (Couple Mentoring Journey)
  12. Love Matters Event
  13. Jason Evert Live in SG
  14. FP Thanksgiving Mass and Appreciation Dinner
  15. Cathedral of the Good Shepherd 120th Anniversary Dedication Celebration


Services and Roles at the Church of our Lady Star of the Sea (OLSS)

“God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing.” (Ephesians 2:10)

When we begin to follow Jesus, he empowers us for a life of service. The more we become like Jesus, the more we will serve others.

We praise and thank God for calling us by name & for all the blessings & graces He had given through the years which enabled us to follow His examples and to spread His love and Good News.

We are also very grateful to our CFC community for the great formation teaching tracks, inspirations and encouragement and the many opportunities to SERVE God and neighbour(s).

Presently, we have the following roles and services in our Church of our Lady Star of the Sea (OLSS) in Yishun, on top of our roles & services in Couples for Christ (CFC)

  1. Head of Filipino Apostolate (FILCOM)
  2. Eucharistic Minister
  3. Member of Catechetical Ministry (Catechist for Primary level) – William & Susan
  4. Member of PPC-ExCo
  5. Member of Liturgical Committee (LITCOM)
  6. Coordinator/ Facilitator for NCC Zone 400 – William and Susan

“Give yourselves completely to God – every part of you … you want to be tools in the hands of God, to be used for his good purposes.”(Romans 6:13).

To God be the Glory!

~ contributed by Bro William Villaviray