CFC Singapore Leadership

About the CFC Singapore Leadership

Couples for Christ Singapore’s governance is led by the National Council (NC), composed of 7 CFC brothers, which are the NC Director and 6 pillar heads, with pastoral oversight provided by the CFC Spiritual Director. They are guided by the policies and directions set by the CFC Global International Council. 

The members of the CFC SG National Council are the anointed spiritual leaders of the CFC Singapore community. They do not lead for power, pay, or reward but for their desire to serve and shepherd the flock. They are called to be models of holiness, obedience, shepherding, and stewardship, like Christ, the perfect servant-leader. They are called not only to lead but to inspire, encourage, communicate, receive feedback, affirm, correct, and pray fervently with and for the CFC community. 

The CFC Spiritual Director plays a central and important role in maintaining our community’s spirituality and relationship with the Catholic Church in Singapore. 

The 6 pillars of CFC Singapore are:

  • Pastoral Formation
  • Evangelization
  • AnCoP: Answering the Cry of the Poor (Social Ministry)
  • Mission
  • Family Ministries
  • Home Office

These are the office bearers of CFC Singapore:

Spiritual Director: 

Msgr. Stephen Yim 

2024 CFC Officers & National Council:

Theodore Olsen – NC Director

Rene de Jesus – ANCOP 

Jun Frias – Mission

Gerry Falsado – Pastoral Formation & Treasurer

Benedict Lam – Home Office & Secretary

Elmer Lobusta – Family Ministries

Rudy Dimayacyac – Evangelization