Home Visit
A visit program at home for the aged, like SWAMI and St Joseph’s Homes, to let them feel the warmth of Love, Joy of giving, and bringing big smiles in their faces thru the exciting and Fun filled CFC way activities (i.e. like simple excercise, action songs, singing, dancing, and games the CFC community way).

Gives courage and support to migrants in Singapore to meet the challenges of being away from home, country, and families through pastoral formation.
Under CFC Sg’s Migrants Program, some initiatives have been successfully launched. The following are:
1. Abundant and Better Life Abroad (AbBA)
It is a 4-session values-formation program and this is in partnership with Singapore’s ACMI (Archdiocesan Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People).
2. Community-based Pastoral Programs
Offering CFC’s Pastoral Formation Programs (such as CLP, MES, etc.) to Migrant Communities in Singapore.
Example is MCCS (Myanmar Catholic Community Singapore) who sought for Pastoral care to its members.

Oikos (Care for Our Common Home)
CFCs program to care for our common home where we all live as one family so that we and future generations would reap the benefits not just for the few but for all humanity.