Christian Life Program (CLP)


What is the Christian Life Program (CLP)?

The CLP is an integrated course intended to lead the program participants into a renewed understanding of God’s call to them as Christian couples or individuals.  It runs for a total of 8 separate ses­sions, usually held once a week.  Most sessions consist of three basic ingredients: a teaching, a group discussion, and a time for fellowship. Each session would normally last for about 2.5 to 3 hours.

What are the goals of the CLP?

  1. For the individual, it brings a person into a stronger rela­tionship with God by discovering and living more fully the power and gifts he or she received through the Holy Spirit.
  2. For the family, it brings married couples to a renewed commit­ment to Christian family Life and it starts to build up a commu­nity of committed Christian families.
  3. For the Church, it brings people within a particular parish to a fuller experience of life in the Spirit.  Consequently, it strengthens and revitalizes community life in the parish.

What is the content of the CLP?

The CLP runs for a total of 8 consecutive sessions usually held weekly, divided into 2 modules.  The topics of the 8 sessions are:

Module 1: The Basic Truths about Christianity

Talk 1: God’s Love

Talk 2: Who is Jesus Christ?

Talk 3: Repentance and Faith

Module 2: The Authentic and Spirit-filled Christian Life

Talk 4: Loving God and Neighbor

Talk 5: The Christian Family

Talk 6: Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Talk 7: Growing in the Spirit

Talk 8: Transformation in Christ

What is the content of each of the above teachings?

The first module of the CLP presents the absolute basics of Chris-tian life. It is basically Christian theology.

The next module presents the kind of life that God calls us to. It spells out the personal response involved in receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior and helps participants to make a reorientation of their lives around Jesus and commit their lives to Him.

We invite you take it one module at a time. Allow the Lord to work in you at each passing week. Be open to the changes that God will make in your life in the course of the program.

Note: Couples for Christ is a Vatican recognized international private association of the faithful and is a registered society under the Societies Act in Singapore.

See the column on the right for the upcoming CLPs all around Singapore.