Dear CFC brethren,
We continue to live out our theme for the year; to rekindle the gift, fulfill our ministry and live as children of Light. We must seek and receive the light which is Jesus Christ. Let us then radiate the light of the Lord to all, and be a light to others so that they may see the glory of God.
We continue to grow in faith and strengthen our community through the CFC culture; a regular personal prayer time, attending HH meetings, prayer assemblies, and formation teachings. And we can only do this if we seek God’s grace, to be families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the earth.
CFC Singapore is one with the Catholic Church, through our affiliation with the Archdiocese Commission for the Family, serving and supporting its parishes. CFC offers support in the form of our own gateway programs (Family ministry camps & retreats, Marriage Enrichment Retreat, Christian Life Program, and many more), and collaboration with the parish ministries and their activities.
CFC also welcomes all Catholics to come and see what our community is about, and to experience the personal and family transformation through our formation programs and Christian fellowship.
May we live as children of Light, radiating Christ’s holy fragrance to all, for the glory of God the Father.
Brother Theodore Olsen
CFC National Council Director