Social Ministry is now formally (since 2020) both Answering the Cry of the Poor (ANCOP) and Social Development (SOCDEV).
ANCOP’s main programs are:
- ESP (Educational Sponsorship Program)
- Cornerstone (a CFC Partnership Program for Education),
- TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training).
AGW (AnCoP Global Walk) and the AnCoP Jars are both organized and promoted mainly for ESP, Cornerstone and TVET.

Under SOCDEV, we have Migrants Program like the following:
• AbBA (Abundant and Better Life Abroad), which is a values formation program developed both by ACMI and CFC Sg SocMin Core.
• Migrants Parish-based Community (like the Myanmar Catholic Community in Singapore or MCCS). This does not automatically mean CLP, it depends on the needs of the Community asking. MCCS got to know CFC through ACMI.

We have several Partners who help us with the programs that we have:
• CHARIS (Caritas Humanitarian Aid & Relief Initiatives, Singapore),
• SJH (St Joseph’s Home),
• ACMI (Archdiocesan Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People)
• etc.
Social Ministry has several potential and new programs in the works:
• ISAIAH 61 (Prison Ministry)
• OIKOS (a program for Care for Creation/or Environment)
• GKare (for Health concerns of the CFC members)
As one Social Ministry Pillar, ANCOP and SOCDEV Core teams (together with the Social Ministry Chapter Coordinators) help one another in all the mentioned programs.

Social Ministry also holds the following:
• MWPR (Mission with the Poor Retreat) which is open to all CFC Leaders (every February or March of the year)
• Mid-Year Review/Planning by Q3 of the year.
• Monthly Regular Service Meeting with all SocMin Coordinators.
Social Ministry is strategizing, reaching out, and helping promote to our CFC brethren to do the other mission of CFC … which is Building the Church of the Poor.