CFC SG Joint Prayer Assembly and First Fruits Offering 2023

Couples for Christ Singapore kicked-off the start of the year on January 14th with a Joint Prayer Assembly and First Fruit Offering at ACS 121 Dover Road. Approximately 600 community members attended the event together with their families. 

Couples for Christ Singapore

CFC SG National Director Bro. Theodore Olsen led the opening praise and worship together with the CFC Serangoon 1 Music Ministry, after the testimonies of our brethren, Bro Theo also shared the community’s 2023 message and theme CHRIST HEALS (Mark 2:10-11)Rise, pick up your mat and GO!

CFC SG National Director Bro. Theodore Olsen led the opening praise and worship

A Community of Givers

Bro Benedict Lam from Home Office talked about what bible says about First Fruits and inspired the community to have the right attitude towards giving: should be given FREELY and without any guilt, remember that His promises are true and will come “Bikkurim” and as we give back to God remember that it is part of our Worship and Celebration. 

Bro Benedict Lam

Our brothers and sisters in the community across different chapters and family ministries shared their testimonials and proclaim God’s goodness in their lives.

Bro Dick Cercado, NC Evangelization Pillar head, prayed over the community’s new servant leaders across all ministries.

Bro Mel Tapaoan CFC Cluster 1 head led the pray over for CFC January Birthday and Wedding Anniversary celebrants. He also led the closing prayer with a very fitting song “SEND ME” for this year’s CFC theme: Christ Heals! Rise, Pick-up your Mat and Go!

A Joyful Service

This year’s first JPA and FFO service team is from CFC Serangoon 1 chapter led by Bro Alex and Sis Aby Yabut. With a limited time of preparation, God paved the way and worked His miracles to make this event a success for the community and for the Lord!

Serangoon 1 Music Ministry

Indeed, it was truly inspiring and fruitful event. Many thanks to all who attended, shared their testimonies and blessings to community. May God bless us all.

The rest of the JPA FFO photos can be found in Couples for Christ Singapore Facebook Page.